
Adjusting The Narrative

"When Ipsos Reid polls voters on which party shares their values, the New Democrats rule on anything social while the Conservatives dominate on economic affairs. “The NDP owns the compassion side of the agenda, the Tories own the management side, and the Liberals own nothing,” observes pollster Darrell Bricker."

See. To me all these perceptions are bull shit. It suggests Tories can't be compassionate and the NDP functional on the management side.

I don't think the NDP compassionate at all. It's easy to play the part of nice guy - especially with other people's money. Their values don't match mine and I'll be damned if anyone dares assert I lack compassion. How I help my fellow man is personal and I don't need state coerced policy do make me do the 'right thing' as dictated by somebody else.

I don't view progressive policy as compassionate. Paternalistic and vulnerable to projections yes. Heck, even arrogant. Passionate I'll give them but they don't have the monopoly on compassion or even empathy. Is there anything empathetic in welfare?

It's more enabling than anything.


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