
Stupid Earth Day Predictions

Yesterday was Earth Day.

Like every other day isn't.

If aliens - or robots - had taken over the planet practically eliminating or marginalizing the wretched human race, then I suppose Earth Day could be appropriate if lobbied by the remaining humanoids.

But until then, it's just another day.

Alas, Earth Day is good for something. Notably to remind us of the hyper-alarmist shrieks of despair from environmentalists about the pending destruction of earth by the hand of Mother Nature.

Check out these gems:

The 13 most ridiculous predictions made on Earth Day.
Predictions not even your mother would love.

My personal favorite from 1970:

  1. “Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”  — Harvard biologist George Wald

A couple more:

''I think we're in trouble. When you realize how little time we have left - we are now given not 10 years to save the rainforests, but in many cases five years. Madagascar will largely be gone in five years unless something happens. And nothing is happening.'' - ABC - The Miracle Planet April 22, 1990
At present rates of exploitation there may be no rainforest left in 10 years. If measures are not taken immediately, the greenhouse effect may be unstoppable in 12 to 15 years. - 5000 Days to Save the Planet - Edward Goldsmith 1991

And today, we have a couple of shyster alchemists in Gore and Suzuki pulling their hair and eyeballs out screaming how we need to do something - fast! - as they ka-ching all the way to the bank while jet-setting around the globe leaving carbon footprints the size of Godzilla's dick.

When I was in junior high, acid rain was gonna get us all and in high school, we were gonna run out of oxygen because they were burning down the Amazon.

Team Reality and Science on the left, say conservatives are reactionary, fear-mongers. Whatever. They're pretty good at it too. Better even.

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